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There's Science in Here!

About Timbi Colors

Timbi Colors was written to give children, their caregivers, and counselors/teachers a more playful way to reinforce the topics, coping skills, and methods introduced in the book. Some of these will be new to the child and will be more easily assimilated if multiple sources and senses are engaged.  In Timbi Colors, we were able to make Timbi gender-neutral; the constraints of writing in verse made it too difficult in Timbi Talks.


In Timbi Colors, we share the evidence-based ‘positive thinking’ practices of visualization, gratitude, experiencing nature, and even smiling and playing! Marvelously, the facial muscles used in smiling send signals to the brain stimulating production of positive hormones like endorphins. And, in play, researchers have shown that children access special neural circuitry that enhances self-regulation and aids healing. Once learned, these practices become part of the child’s toolkit for managing stress and difficult feelings.


Several pages are straightforward repetition of important concepts in the book, with coloring or drawing added to engage the senses of touch and sight more actively.  Others provoke deeper thought, potentially allowing for a stronger connection to the material. And in other cases, we introduce additional practices and skills not mentioned in the book.


For example, on page 5, children are encouraged to think about something that helps them feel better with the goal of facilitating positive thoughts. The expression in neuroscience “what fires together, wires together” means that encouraging positive thoughts forges stronger pathways to positivity. The converse is also true; dwelling on negative thoughts and situations strengthens those pathways. Therefore, the goal is to introduce as much positivity into the lives and minds of these children as possible. And finally, some pages are just for fun, to offer a break from the learning and make the book less like a ‘workbook’ and more like a ‘funbook.’

The following is a brief page by page overview: 

We thank you for sharing Timbi with a child who is impacted by a loved one’s substance abuse.  It is our great hope that the concepts and activities shared in the Timbi books will offer children a means to find hope and happiness, both with the help of safe people, and equally importantly, by themselves. 

Janet Hellier, MS MHC

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